Knowledge Sharing
In addition to the full sets of pedagogical materials and learning resources developed from this project (sample materials can be accessed through the Our Project tab, which we will make openly accessible in the Our Project section as Phase 3 of the project progresses), we will continue to update a list of knowledge-sharing activities.
New Course Offering (Fall 2021, Fall 2023):
LING 297 Supporting Refugees and Newcomers with English Learning
Huang, L.-S. (in preparation). Needs analysis in the context of learners with refugee experience in Canada. Task-based language teaching: Issues, Research, and Practice series.
Huang, L.-S. (2023). Supporting refugee learners of English for employment purposes: Empirical evidence and pedagogical opportunities. AAAL 2023, Portland, OR.
Huang, L.-S. (2022). Supporting refugee learners of English for employment purposes: From needs assessment to program development. The University of Barcelona, Spain.
Huang, L.-S. (2022). Supporting adult Syrian learners with refugee experience: Research-based insights for practitioners. Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1177/F00220574221091930
Huang, L.-S. (2022). SLEEC: Train the Trainer. LINC.
Huang, L.-S. (2022). The stories of my life: A task-based, oral narrative lesson for employment purposes for learners with refugee background. BC-TEAL Journal, 7(1), 42-54. DOI: 10.14288/bctj.v7i1.459
Huang, L.-S. (2022). Supporting refugee learners of English for employment purposes: Empirical evidence and pedagogical opportunities. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2022), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Huang, L.-S. (2022). Strategies for supporting refugee learners of English for employment purposes. TESOL 2022 Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Huang, L.-S. (2021). "I have big, big, BIG dream!" Realigning instruction with the language-learning needs of adult Syrians with refugee experience in Canada, Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, 37(2), 141-163.
Huang, L.-S. (2020/21, August). Symposium: Task-based language teaching: Interfaces between research, pedagogy and assessment--Breaking down barrier: A task-based approach to teaching learners with refugee experience. World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2020), Groningen, the Netherlands.
Huang, L.-S. (2021, March). "I have big, big, BIG dream!": Realigning instruction with the language-learning needs of Syrian refugees. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2021).
Huang, L.-S. (2021). Chapter 6: (Mis)use of high-stakes standardized tests for multiple purposes in Canada? A call for an evidence-based approach to language testing and realignment of instruction. In Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users. Springer.
Huang, L.-S. (2020). Plenary: (Mis)using standardized tests in Canada: A call for criticality, creativity, and collaboration in language testing and realignment of Instruction. BC-TEAL Vancouver Island Regional Conference. Camosun College, Victoria, February 22.
Conners, M. (2020). Employment-Focused Task-based English Instruction for Canadian Language Benchmarks Levels 1-3: Adult low-literacy refugee learners' perspective. MA (Applied Linguistics) Thesis Proposal.
Huang, L.-S. (2019). Analysing open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews on language-learning needs of Syrian refugees. Sage Research Methods Datasets. DOI: 10.4135/9781526483843​